A Warning for Pastors against Gazing after Popularity

A dear brother named Noah sent this to me. It's a worthy warning indeed.
Thales, the philosopher, walking in the field at noon, was gazing into the heavens to see the stars, and stumbled into the ditch. So many are gazing after a great estate, but neglecting industry and care, they, by speculation, plunge into the gulf of insolvency and ruin. So, likewise, preachers, sometimes gazing after popularity, or money, like Demes, but neglecting the humble duties of the closet, and the labors of the cross, they fall into the the gulf of apostacy [sic.] and disgrace."
Leland, John The Writings of the Late Elder John Leland (New York: G. W. Wood, 1845), 729.
A glance around the evangelical landscape of late must surely reveal many a ditch and many a stargazing, star admiring pastor joyfully whistling while his next step rises oblivious perilously over the open cavern.