A Pandemic Reading List

As far as I know none of the books on my list have much to say about global pandemics. But they do have much to say about the goodness and sovereignty of God, anxiety, and our eternal hope.
Knowing God by J.I. Packer
A contemporary classic that can be read and benefitted from in every season of life. When we are experiencing calamities, there is no greater need than to know our God. With characteristic warmth Packer guides the reader through the biblical testimony of what God is like.
God Is: A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God by Mark Jones
Helpful book designed to be read as daily devotions. As the title suggests, each reading focuses on an attribute of God. Once again we are reminded that in challenging and sorrowful times, the knowledge of God is comfort for the soul.
Grounded in Heaven by Michael Allen
It’s good for us to be reminded of the great Christian hope. Dr. Allen directs our attention to the good news that we too often neglect, that life in the age to come is one that is centered around beholding God in all his splendor.
In the Presence of My Enemies by Dale Ralph Davis
I don’t think there is anyone whose preaching and teaching from the Old Testament I benefit more from than that of Dr. Davis. In this meditation on Psalms 25-37 Davis helps us understand the love and care of our covenant keeping God.
Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, Piper and Taylor (editors)
This collection of essays provides insight into the ways God uses suffering in the lives of his people.
The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel
A classic from the Puritan era. This book made an enormous impression on me years ago when I was struggling with the doctrine of God's providence.
All Things for Good by Thomas Watson
Another Puritan classic. Thomas Watson provides a thorough, moving, and practical meditation on Romans 8:28.
Why Do I Suffer? by John Currid
Dr. Currid began writing this little book not long after the terrorist attacks on 9/11. There is a lot of theology and wise counsel in this little book. At the heart of it all is how the Scriptures answer the question, “Where was God?”
Be Still My Soul, Nancy Guthrie (editor)
This little book is a treasure trove of classic meditations upon God’s goodness and faithfulness in the midst of pain and sorrow.
Rejoicing In Lament by J. Todd Billings
This is theologian Todd Billings theological reflection on his own battle with incurable cancer. It is both theologically careful and pastorally warm. Highly recommended for anyone going through physical calamities and the people who love them.
Does Grace Grow Best in Winter? by Ligon Duncan
This is a warm biblical meditation on how God uses suffering to do good work in his people’s lives.
Struck Down But Not Destroyed: Living Faithfully with Anxiety by Peirce Taylor Hibbs
This is a wonderful new book on how God often uses anxiety to mold us into greater Christlikeness. If your experience with anxiety is periodic or more chronic, this book is an excellent guide for thinking biblically about your struggle.