
This summer, I have been greatly encouraged through reading the works of John Bunyan. In his work Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners , John Bunyan concludes his Preface with the following thought: "My dear children - The milk and honey is beyond this wilderness. God be merciful to you, and...
This weekend we kickoff the 2018 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology , meeting April 13-15 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Our theme this year is The Spirit of the Age: The Age of the Spirit. I am excited to welcome Conrad Mbewe and Danny Akin and looking forward to exploring the mighty work of...
Today, Pastor Danny Hyde gives us an early glimpse of his messages at the upcoming Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology in April. The conference is on the Holy Spirit and Danny’s knowledge on the subject is primarily Scriptural but also very personal. He gives us a little bit of his...
Last night, I preached a sermon on Psalm 7 --one of the lamentation Psalms of David, which he presumably wrote while hiding from Saul in the caves of Adullam. A good portion of the Psalm is taken up with David crying out to the Judge of all the earth. The Psalmist calls on the Lord to come and...
On October 27, 1994, President Bill Clinton, while addressing the Knesset ( i.e. the legislative assembly in Israel) cited one of his former pastors when he said, "If you abandon Israel, God will never forgive is God's will that Israel, the biblical home of the people of Israel, continue...
Daniel Hyde
"We...will be caught up" (1 Thes. 4:17) Soon after I was converted at age 17 my dad gave me three books--a King James Bible and two by a local pastor I had yet to hear of: Hal Lindsey's The Late, Great Planet Earth and The Rapture . For the next three years I was immersed in eschatology. I even...
As more and more is being written about ethnicity, I thought that I'd point our readers to the B.A.R. Podcast (Biblical And Reformed), hosted by my friend, Dawain Atkinson. Dawain has had some the most noted pastors and theologians on the show ( e.g. Derek Thomas , Mark Dever and H.B. Charles, Jr...
As we make our way through the Gospel records, we quickly discover that Jesus needed the Holy Spirit at every step and in every stage of His life and ministry. While the human nature of Jesus was inseparably united to the Divine nature of the second Person of the Godhead, Jesus needed to live a...
Exuberant over an experience, an oh-so-sweet manifestation of divine providence, you delightedly seek to give God praise in telling your story. “It was such a ‘God thing’,” you proclaim. As you see it, God wove together an otherwise inexplicable combination of events to deliver a wonderful—even...
This week on Place for Truth the topic is Eschatology, or the study of Last Things (i.e., final, or ultimate, not least important things). For some, the mention of Eschatology conjures up memories of end times dramatizations, or elaborate charts for the sequence of future events, or heated debates...