A Prayer for the Afflicted Saints of Iraq

Rick Phillips

Our Father in heaven, the sovereign and almighty God, the faithful covenant-keeper and Savior, we plead to you on behalf of our suffering fellow believers in Iraq.  Cast your eye upon them and have mercy to uphold and defend your flock.  Overthrow the evil of their persecutors and strengthen the faith of those suffering tribulation for the name of Jesus. 

Father, as of old you caused the enemies of your people to destroy one another in answer to the plea of Jehoshaphat (2 Chron. 20:23), so now bring discord, division, and self-destruction to the jihadist slayers afflicting your people.  Lord, as once you parted the Red Sea to make safe the way of Israel fleeing from Pharaoh's host (Ex. 14:21-22), open a path to safety for your people fleeing in distress.  Our God, your Word foretells that Satan will make war on the church, all the more because he knows that his end is near (Rev. 12:12).  But as you promised, intervene supernaturally to provide a refuge in the wilderness for the church our enemy is seeking to destroy (Rev. 12:14-16).   Cause your suffering people to conquer by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; strengthen their testimony to Jesus, even under threat of death (Rev. 12:11).