Christ is the end of the law

Paul Levy
It's been too long away from Ref 21, computer troubles, endless sermon preparation and last week I was away for a short preachers conference with other London ministers. It was a good time. Peter Adam on Revelation, Nigel Styles on Deuteronomy and then preaching groups where a small group of ministers listened to a recording of your sermon and gave you crit. It was terrific. Mike Neville led our group and, at one point, corrected my pronunciation of fois gras. The preaching groups were very helpful. It struck me that the contexts we all minister in are so different even though we all live in the same city. As always with sermon feedback the negative stuff was most helpful, the short cuts that we take in preparation that other ministers can spot.  I'm convinced that when giving crit the tougher the better. If we can't take it from each other we'll never take it when get back to our congregation. Each person who preached in our group had far too much material, lots of good things that could have been left out.
It was also a joy to meet Matt Perkins who is the interviewer extraordinaire behind the St Helen's Preaching Matters videos. To be able to ask questions as slowly as Matt does is a rare skill indeed.
Anyway, I'll leave you with this magnificent quote from Calvin that Nigel Styles gave us last week :

He was sold, to buy us back

        captive, to deliver us

        condemned, to absolve us


He was made a sin offering for our righteousness ...


so that by him ...

fury is made gentle,

wrath pacified,

darkness turned to light,

fear reassured,

debt canceled,

heaviness lightened,

sadness made merry,

misfortune made fortunate,

difficulty easy,

disorder ordered,

division united,

humiliation made noble,

rebellion quashed,

intimidation intimidated,

ambush uncovered,

force forced back,

combat combated,

war warred against,

vengeance avenged,

torment tormented,

damnation damned,

the abyss sunk into the abyss,

hell transfixed,

death dead,

mortality made immortal.


In short,

he was cursed so we can be blessed


you can read the full article here