5 reasons why you should read Evangelicals Now

Paul Levy
Evangelicals Now is a Christian Newspaper for the UK but also has news from around the world, helpful articles, news etc. It's edited by John Benton who has written some really helpful little books. The plan in 2013 is to launch an online edition but you can't actually beat the feel of a newspaper in your hands.  EN is worthy of your support and is a great way of keeping up with news and  and gives a good overview of what is going on in the UK, the brief little newsbites of what is going on in the world can be a great help to our prayer life. David Jackman's monthly column is worth the subscription fee alone. John Benton has written the following piece and if you're stuck for a Christmas present for the wife or child why not subscribe them to EN?



Evangelicals Now is a monthly Christian newspaper which reports news from across the UK and around the world concerning Bible believing Christians of all backgrounds.


Why should Christians read such a newspaper? Here are 5 good reasons:



We need to read a Christian newspaper because the secular media rarely report on the great strides the gospel is making worldwide, or if they do they usually manage to misreport what is going on.



God's word tells us that all true Christians are one in Christ Jesus. By reading news of other believers nationally and globally we give concrete expression to that oneness.



 As we find out about Christians and churches at home and abroad and their successes for the gospel or the challenges they face, we are put in touch with an up to date and overall picture of what God himself is doing in our day. This makes us more balanced as Christians.



As we read news of other brothers and sisters we have the opportunity to stand with them in prayer and so become co-workers with God in this generation.



As we take interest by reading about other Christians we are delivered from parochialism, self-centredness and party spirit and show God that we really do care about his kingdom and not just our little bit of it. This is a mark of a true disciple.