A Key Strategy Against Satan

The Dutch reformer Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635-1711) writes insightfully in his magnum opus, The Christian's Reasonable Service:

[The devil knows] that faith is the fountainhead of spiritual life, and he therefore seeks to obscure faith in all its activity. He suddenly interjects irrational suggestions, such as, "Is all this in truth? Is not all this imagination?" He will then continually stir you up to mentally reflect upon theses suggestions and to search them out. If we then begin to listen, he gets hold of us and begins to present arguments upon which he demands an answer. And if he gets you that far that you begin to respond by reasoning, he will proceed with his argumentation and will, time and again, present new proofs. When the ability to reason fails, he then proceeds to bring you from fleeting atheistic thoughts to embrace atheism itself. You will then be grievously caught in the net and be incapable of having either comfort or peace, and will not be able to be encouraged in whatever you are doing. Therefore, be on your guard against giving heed to these initial fleeting interjections. Let them pass by, and proceed as before, relying upon the word of God.[1]


[1] Wilhelmus à Brakel, The Christian's Reasonable Service, vol. 4 of Ethics and Eschatology (Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books, 1995), 237-238.