When male grooming was irrelevant

Rodney Trotter
I will ignore that upstart Smith's semigerontophobic rant, which merely reinforces the hegemonic dominance of youth, and his stating of the obvious (Of course, I want to define the universe!  There's nobody else I would trust to do it, nobody else remotely competent.  Certainly not some young person who zig a zig whatevers).  Instead, I'll just flag up, at Paul Levy's request, the death of Michael Foot, former Labour Party leader and probably the most erudite, procedurally savvy, and oratorically brilliant front man of a British political party since Gladstone.  Just a look at the video and the photos reminds us of an era when politics wasn't ultimately about who looked good on the telly.  The donkey jacket and home made hair cut said it all.  Of course, he was unelectable even in the early 80s.  See the BBC report here.