Of Dogs and Churches

Stephen Nichols

Derek's post really got me thinking . . . about dogs. Just kidding.  He got me thinking about loving the church.  My memories are the same as Derek's but have a different starting point.  They go way back past when I was 17.  Since my dad was a pastor, I essentially grew up in the church, was there all the time, and loved it.

This past Wednesday night we were one of the last to leave the church after a rousing night of Pioneer clubs.  I love teaching at the college.  This semester I have a new freshman course I'm teaching, as well as apologetics.  Great courses.  Great reasons for me to get up every morning and go to work.  But I can honestly say nothing compares to teaching the 1st and 2nd grade boys Voyagers class on Wed nights.  I hope those kids grow up to love the church and to love the Head of the church.  I hope my two boys, who helped me line up chairs and tables and round up all the balls around the gym late into a Wednesday night grow up to love it, too.