A Baptist Praises the Lord for the PCA

Thabiti Anyabwile

Recently, I read a lamentable statement from the leader of African-American pastors inside the PCUSA.  It was lamentable because it made the gospel and the spiritual mission of the church secondary to social and political concerns.
This morning I came across this video of African American pastors inside the PCA.  The video highlights the work of these pastors at church planting and spreading the Good News of Christ.  As a Baptist, I rejoice at the faithful labors of these men because we have everything in common and share a spiritual mission and history far more important than social causes and concerns.
One man I respect in the faith was Presbyterian pastor Dr. Frances J. Grimke.  He pastored 15th Street Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C. for 55 years!  An African American, he was committed to the gospel and the word of God as the inerring truth of God.  One is left to ask: which pastoral fraternity would Grimke join?