Piper on Tyndale and Erasmus

Justin Taylor
Phil: Here's the original lecture manuscript upon which Piper's ETS lecture was based: Always Singing One Note--A Vernacular Bible: Why William Tyndale Lived and Died.

Here is an excerpt:

"It is ironic and sad that today supposedly avant-garde Christian writers can strike this cool, evasive, imprecise, artistic, superficially reformist pose of Erasmus and call it “post-modern” and capture a generation of unwitting, historically naïve, emergent people who don’t know they are being duped by the same old verbal tactics used by the elitist humanist writers in past generations. We saw them last year in Athanasius’ day (the slippery Arians at Nicaea), and we see them now in Tyndale’s day. It’s not post-modern. It’s pre-modern—because it is perpetual."