Breaking Barriers Down

Rick Phillips

I think the key to approaching Kalifungwa's concern about racial division among Christians was his qualifyer "in our churches".  There are many forces outside of our churches that shape us along racial lines.  For instance, the composition of a church is usually going to be shaped by the demographics of the community it serves, and it will be influenced by the racial dynamics of that community.  (If races don't mix in the surrounding culture, that will influence their willingness to mix in our churches).  Because of the racial division in our culture, we will long have such a challenge in our churches.  What we are most responsible for are the barriers "in our churches."  In that respect I think there are two main commitments we can make that will dramatically lower racial barriers in our churches: 1) focus ourselves on a Christ-centered ministry of God's Word; and 2) cultivate a true spirit of Christian catholicity.