In my last article, I considered the fitness of Christ in His ability to bear the cross with patient endurance, along with how we are exhorted in Hebrews 12:1 to run the race set before us with endurance. The Christian life requires fitness. At the end of the race, I want to be proved qualified. Our Savior makes us fit, regenerating and justifying us by grace, through faith. But there is much conditioning ahead in our sanctification process. To be sure, He is preserving us through the race, but anyone who’s ever been involved in any exercise program knows why the author of Hebrews uses this metaphor.
I am one of those people. I love exercise, and I think the main reason is that I want to always be fit. That is, I want to be ready, able--free to
do whatever opportunity may come before me. If my daughters challenge me to a backyard showdown, I’m ready to clean their clocks (or at least keep up with them!). I can enjoy bike rides, and rollerblading with my kids. I don’t want my fitness level to prohibit me from enjoying life’s moments, or even protecting myself or my children, if need be.
Likewise, our spiritual life requires much fitness. Peter tells us to
always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you. He gives this exhortation in the context of suffering for God’s truth. There are two qualifications of fitness here: knowing Gods truth, and the patient endurance of suffering for the sake of it. This requires conditioning, strengthening, and training.
Just like our bodies need continuous practice in any kind of physical training, so do our minds in theological growth. Do you like to learn? Theology refers to a knowledge of God. You may not be a professional theologian, but you do have some sort of knowledge of God, whether it is true of false. How do we expect to run the race with endurance if we do not know the One we are running to? A race has a boundaried path with a particular destination. If we do not know our destination, how are we assured it is the right one? How will we be prepared to suffer for His name if we do not treasure it above all the world offers? What if in the end, we hear, “Depart from Me; I never knew you.”
Romans 12:2 is one of my favorite verses of Scripture:
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. We are always learning, whether it is purposeful or passive. What are you filling your mind with—meat or fat? The Bible gives us everything we need to know who God is and what He requires of us. Our knowledge of God shapes our desires. Our minds shape our wills.
As I condition myself in learning, I pray for wisdom. For proper training and conditioning, I need to put myself under the preaching of God’s word, alongside of others who are in the race. As we receive Christ and all of His benefits together, we are strengthened, ready to live accordingly, and share our faith with others. We are equipped by the truth, thereby able to identify the false. By God’s grace He transforms us through His word and the power of His Spirit. As my knowledge of God increases, so does my joy in serving Him. As the fitness level of my mind rises, He combines my knowledge and experiences to produce wisdom. Even when the apparent injuries come, the joy remains through suffering. Why? Because I know that my salvation is based on what Christ has already done, not in my own abilities. In Him I find my meaning and my value. For this reason I have confident hope as I strive to hear at the finish line, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
Further Meditation: 1 Peter 3:13-17, Matt. 7:21-23