
Unlocking Romans By J.R. Daniel Kirk 245 p. Eerdmans (November 2008) It is difficult to overestimate the influence of E. P. Sanders's scholarship on the academic study of Paul. Since Sanders published Paul and Palestinian Judaism (1977) and Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People (1983), it has become...
Carl Trueman Articles
There are many differences between American and British culture. Most obvious, perhaps, are the sports: baseball versus cricket; and football (where feet are rarely used) versus football (where feet, and the occasional head, are all that can be used); and even, once again, football (where pads are...
Carl Trueman Articles
There are many differences between American and British culture. Most obvious, perhaps, are the sports: baseball versus cricket; and football (where feet are rarely used) versus football (where feet, and the occasional head, are all that can be used); and even, once again, football (where pads are...
Rereading Paul Together: Protestant and Catholic Perspectives on Justification By David E. Aune 272 p. Baker (November 2006) Rereading Paul Together (RPT) is a collection of essays originally presented as papers at a conference of Roman Catholic and Lutheran biblical scholars and theologians. The...
Bill Barcley Articles
Jesus' Blood and Righteousness: Paul's Theology of Imputation By Brian Vickers 256 p. Crossway (October 2006) Brian Vickers', Jesus' Blood and Righteousness, is a work of careful exegesis and synthesis that attempts to establish a biblical basis for the doctrine of the imputation of Christ's...
Jeffrey Waddington Articles
As we come to the third and final segment in this series on the atonement, it would be good to remind ourselves where we have been. In this way we will have some idea of where we are going and of how to assess the way that the church has understood the cross of Christ. We saw how the atonement made...
Brian Gault Articles
Praise Seeking Understanding: Reading the Psalms with Augustine By Jason Byassee Wm.B. Eerdmans (November 2007) 290 p. Praise Seeking Understanding on the surface seems to have great promise: Jason Byassee wants his readers to take up the Scripture--and the Psalms specifically--and read them like...
Our God is a storytelling God. Much of the Bible is narrative, and a lot of that narrative is something that would give our children nightmares. I was 18 years old when I first read the story of the Levite's concubine from Judges 19. I was disturbed and disgusted by this story when I first heard it...
Brad Irick Articles
The Heart of Prayer: What Jesus Teaches Us By Jerram Barrs 256 p. P&R Publishing (February 2008) Reviewed by Brad Irick Recently, reformation21's own Derek Thomas preached the Sunday evening service at FPC Jackson from Nehemiah 1:11b-2:8. While commenting on Nehemiah's instinctual prayer in 2:4...
Jeffrey Waddington Articles
Recap Previously we examined the place of the atonement in the covenant theology that unfolds for us in the pages of the Scriptures. We discovered that there were three theological covenants [1]: the covenant of redemption that occurred between the three members of the Trinity in eternity, the...