
Ron Gleason
The Elder By Cornelis Van Dam 320 p. P&R Publishing (November 2009) Dr. Cornelis Van Dam, professor of Old Testament at the Theological College of the Canadian Reformed Churches in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada has written a very helpful and informative work entitled The Elder. This book will serve...
Carl Trueman Articles
I have spent most of my life connected in some sense to Rome. At school and then at university, I was a Classics man. I preferred Greek tragedy to Roman comedy; but when it came to history, politics, poetry and oratory, I was a Rome man. Julius Caesar, Vergil, and, above all, the great Cicero, were...
Carl Trueman Articles
I have spent most of my life connected in some sense to Rome. At school and then at university, I was a Classics man. I preferred Greek tragedy to Roman comedy; but when it came to history, politics, poetry and oratory, I was a Rome man. Julius Caesar, Vergil, and, above all, the great Cicero, were...
Carl Trueman Articles
Paul Helm has recently reviewed J. I. Packer and the Evangelical Future (Ed. Timothy George [Baker]) on his website, Helm's Deep . The book contained a chapter written by Carl Trueman somewhat critical of Packer's ecclesiology and infamous quarrel with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Helm (as the hyperlink...
Carl Trueman Articles
Paul Helm has recently reviewed J. I. Packer and the Evangelical Future (Ed. Timothy George [Baker]) on his website, Helm's Deep . The book contained a chapter written by Carl Trueman somewhat critical of Packer's ecclesiology and infamous quarrel with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Helm (as the hyperlink...
The words of Jesus are sometimes absurd, often apparently self-contradictory, and always difficult. His words are never easy because they always strike at our perverted values and exalted idols. This confounds some, enrages others and by the grace of God leads many to faith and repentance. The...
Carl Trueman Articles
Over the last few months, I have been asked in numerous contexts what I think about the young, restless and reformed (YRR) movement(s) described in Collin Hansen's book of the same name. I did do a quasi -review of this book some time ago, in which I argued that the existence of the movement seemed...
Carl Trueman Articles
Over the last few months, I have been asked in numerous contexts what I think about the young, restless and reformed (YRR) movement(s) described in Collin Hansen's book of the same name. I did do a quasi -review of this book some time ago, in which I argued that the existence of the movement seemed...
Andrew Nasselli Articles
Non-Christians and Christians alike often give the same answer to difficult questions like these: Why did God allow sin in the first place? Why does God save some people and not others? Why does God send people to hell? Why can living like a Christian be so frustrating? The immediate solution often...
Andrew Nasselli Articles
Non-Christians and Christians alike often give the same answer to difficult questions like these: Why did God allow sin in the first place? Why does God save some people and not others? Why does God send people to hell? Why can living like a Christian be so frustrating? The immediate solution often...