practical theology

Iain Campbell Articles
"Are you going to the dogs this year?" was the question put to me. I suppose my initial reaction was that I should respond in the affirmative. I tend to think that I am making little progress in anything as the years go by. This year I probably am going to the dogs... Then I realised that "dogs"...
Gerald Bray
Books about Augustine and his theology seem to multiply without end, and the first task of anyone writing about him must be to define why a new work is required. Mark Ellingsen rises to this challenge, explaining that his main motive is to demonstrate to what extent the different traditions which...
Paul Alexander
This review originally appeared in the January 2005 9Marks newsletter. We are grateful for their permission to republish it here I) Introduction Books on living the Christian life are a dime a dozen. The shelves of Christian bookstores bow under the weight of myriad titles promising freedom from...