book recommendations

As far as I know none of the books on my list have much to say about global pandemics. But they do have much to say about the goodness and sovereignty of God, anxiety, and our eternal hope. Knowing God by J.I. Packer A contemporary classic that can be read and benefitted from in every season of...
Roald Dahl provided for my wife and I, when we first got married, a proper philosophy of home with his memorable instruction, “Please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray, Go throw your TV set away. And in its place you can install, a lovely bookshelf on the wall.” 2019 saw many more books added to that...
In the most recent episode of Mortification of Spin , we address the current retrieval of Classical Theism going on among Evangelicals. It’s a fascinating subject and one that merits careful consideration. If you are an armchair theologian or aspire to be and would like to learn more about this...
Let the reader understand: This list would almost certainly be longer if I had read every book I had planned on reading in 2019. There are some notable books still on my desk which I have not yet begun but which I am quite sure are excellent. Nevertheless, among the many wonderful books I read that...
I don't know Kevin DeYoung. As far as I know I don't owe him any money. I'm not writing a book so I'm not expecting him to give me a cover blurb. I have never received a free copy of any of Kevin's books. I have never been to Michigan. I think I have covered all my bases. With a clear conscience...
Carl Trueman Articles
In last month's article , I argued that Luther remains a useful source for the thoughtful Christian but that the occasional nature of his writings means that he is more easily quoted than correctly understood. Thus, in Part Two, I want to offer some suggestions for further reading. Of course, the...
Carl Trueman Articles
In last month's article , I argued that Luther remains a useful source for the thoughtful Christian but that the occasional nature of his writings means that he is more easily quoted than correctly understood. Thus, in Part Two, I want to offer some suggestions for further reading. Of course, the...