Biblical Theology

The Reformed tradition has had an ongoing discussion about the relation of systematic and biblical theology. In some ways this reflects the discussion in the broader Christian community. The debate in Reformed circles goes back at least as far as the dispute between Gijsbertus Voetius and Johannes...
Let me start with a quotation. It does not matter who said that. What he said matters: Exegetical theology investigates biblical teaching as the basis of our talk about God. . . . dogmatics as such does not ask what the apostles and prophets said but what we must say on the basis of the apostles...
Christianity has always been a doctrinal religion. Theology – that which is taught about God, man, and salvation – has always been central to the Christian church. This is not to discount the place of experience. Certainly the Holy Spirit works in bringing men and women to new life and causing them...
All philosophical and theological or doctrinal work revolves around definitions of terms and the concepts expressed by the use of those terms. Everyone, Christian or not, engages in theology, and has doctrine. This is because all humans are created in God’s image, make knowledge claims and live...
Today Jonathan Master is joined by Dr. David F. Wells, Distinguished Research Professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Dr. Wells has written many books, including No Place for Truth: Or Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theology? and God in the Whirlwind: How the Holy-Love of God Reorients...
Donald Macleod
The primary service which Systematic Theology performs for the preacher is to provide him with his message. But that's not all. It should also give his message biblical proportion and balance. After all, it is only too easy to ride hobby-horses, as witness the story of the old Presbyterian minister...
Donald Macleod
The primary service which Systematic Theology performs for the preacher is to provide him with his message. But that's not all. It should also give his message biblical proportion and balance. After all, it is only too easy to ride hobby-horses, as witness the story of the old Presbyterian minister...
Donald Macleod
The short answer is that they talk about exactly the same things as Biblical Theologians. As we have already noted, however, while Biblical Theology traces the progressive revelation of the divine mind, pausing over the contribution of each individual era and each individual biblical writer,...
Donald Macleod
The short answer is that they talk about exactly the same things as Biblical Theologians. As we have already noted, however, while Biblical Theology traces the progressive revelation of the divine mind, pausing over the contribution of each individual era and each individual biblical writer,...
Donald Macleod
Systematic Theology is often contrasted unfavourably with the relatively new discipline of Biblical Theology. The very terminology immediately sets Systematics at a disadvantage, as if Biblical Theology alone were 'biblical' and anything that sets out to be 'systematic' should be viewed with...